Character Development

Words come easy, talk is cheap, thoughts can be beautiful and soothing—but only action gets the job done. And it is what we do that really talks—not what we say.

About This Service

1.       Your Reactions are Showing
§  Revealing and Ruinous Reactions §  Who Controls You? §  Only Our Reactions Can Hurt Us §  Conspicuous Recognition §  Consequences of Partiality §  Tested and Exalted
2.       Love is the Answer §  Rooted in God’s Love §  Paul’s Petitions §  Rooted in Love §  How God Works in Us §  True Love God-Given §  Proof of the Spirit’s Filling §  Love, Not Pity §  The Believer’s First Love §  Love and Devotional Life
3.       The Proof of Genuine Love §  A Requirement §  A Comparison §  A Question §  A Warning 4.       God’s Love Not Measured by Emotion §  A Biblical Standard §  God’s Love Is Not a Mere Emotion §  An Illustration
5.       Qualities of Godly Love §  Patience §  Love Suffers Long in Face of Evil §  Love Bears All Things §  Love Is Hopeful §  Love Endures
6.       God of Others the Believer’s Goal §  Kindness §  Generosity §  Humility
7.       Love Strikes at Root of Sin §  Courtesy §  Unselfishness §  The Root of All Evil §  The Mind of Christ
8.       Delights and Hates of Love §  Love Controls the Temper §  Love is Constructive §  Love Rejoices in the Truth
9.       How the Love of God Can Fill Us §  A New Birth Needed §  A Fruit of the Spirit §  A Full Surrender §  Walking in the Spirit §  A Daily Prayer
10.   Looking Unto Jesus

Character Development


Character Development

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What's Included

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