Christ in the Tabernacle

It was God who wanted to dwell with the people. Even though they did not necessarily seek God, He sought them. This is the way God has worked since the beginning of time.

About This Service

1. Portraits of Christ in the Tabernacle
2. Names Given to the Tabernacle
3. Location, Materials and Their Significance
4. The Purposes of the Tabernacle  
5. God Makes the First Move
6. The Fence and the Gate
7. The Altar and the Laver
8. The Tabernacle Building
9. The Door to the Holy Place
10. The Table of Showbread
11. The Golden Lampstand
12. The Golden Altar
13. The Holy of Holies
14. The Veil
 15. A Pattern for the Devotional

Christ in the Tabernacle


Christ in the Tabernacle

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What's Included

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