Directing Christian Education

“We’ve got a mandate to teach. It’s not an option to the church. It’s essential. It’s not nice; it’s necessary. Because the church that ceases to educate, ceases to exist.”

About This Service

Part 1 The Teacher’s Task
1.       What Makes Christian Education Distinct
2.       Knowing What to Teach, and How
3.       Preparing Yourself to Teach
Part 2 Challenges of Church Education
4.       Not Everyone Learns Alike
5.       Baby Lambs and Old Sheep
6.       Teaching That Motivates
7.       The Unique Task of Teaching Adults
8.       Teaching through Preaching
Part 3 The Longer View
9.       How Do You Know You’re Effective?
10.   Recruiting and Keeping Teachers
11.   Training People to Teach
12.   Mentoring
13.   Epilogue

Directing Christian Education


Directing Christian Education

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