
Deeply taught in Scripture Elijah yearned, with passionate desire, that his people should give God His meed of honor. And when the dread tidings came of what was transpiring across the Jordan; How Jezebel had thrown down God’s altars, and slain His prophets, and replaced them by the impious rites of her Tyrian deities—his blood ran liquid fire; his indignation burst all bounds; he was “very jealous for the Lord God of hosts.”

About This Service

1.       The Source of Elijah’s Strength
2.       Beside the Drying Brook
3.       Ordered to Zarephath
4.       “The Spirit and Power of Elias”
5.       The Test of the Home-life
6.       The Plan of Campaign
7.       The Conflict of the Heights of Carmel
8.       Rain at Last!
9.       How the Mighty Fell
10.   Loving-kindness Better than Life
11.   The ‘Still, Small Voice’
12.   “Go, Return!”
13.   His Vineyard
14.   The Old Courage Again
15.   Evensong
16.   The Translation
17.   A Double Portion of Elijah’s Spirit
18.   “Filled with the Holy Ghost”




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