Peter, Paul and John

When we battle against the lusts of the flesh, the fascinations of the world, and the power of the devil, no position has more certainty of victory than our resurrection standing and privilege. If the Master could do so much for these men, what may He do for you and me? By virtue of our union with Him, we must pray that the great Potter will make something even of our common clay.

About This Service

l. Promise Of The Prophet 2. The House of Zacharias
3. Schools And Schoolmasters 4. Prophet Of The Highest
5. The Ministry of the Baptism 6. The Fruit Of Repentance
7. Baptism of The Messiah 8. Witness Of The Light
9. Rejoicing In Humility 10. In The King’s Court
11. The Discipline Of Patience 12. The Least In The Kingdom
13. A Burning And Shining Light 14. Set At Liberty
15. Death And Resurrection 16. A Continuing Harvest
17. The Spirit And Power Of Elijah
1. First Impressions That Last 2. A Fisher Of Men
3. Preparing For Service 4. Building The Kingdom
5. A Taste Of Divine Glory 6. Molding The Character Of Disciples
7. Final Exhortation And Comfort 8. Renewed By His Love
9. Witnesses Of The Resurrection 10. The Power Of The Name
11. A Larger Field Of Harvest 12. Fulfilling A Promise
1. When I Was A Child 2. A Seed That Produced Millions
3. Encounter On The Road 4. Beginning The Christian Life
5. Finding His Place 6. The Vision And The Thorn
7. The Second Journey 8. Adventures In Preaching
9. More Than A Conqueror 10. A Prisoner Of Jesus
11. A Passage To Rome 12. Redeemed To Serve
13. Secrets Of Success 14. Entrance Into Glory ·  

Peter, Paul and John


Peter, Paul and John

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