
This book is like a great union station where the great track lines of prophecy come in from other portions of Scripture. Revelation does not originate but consummates. It is imperative to a right understanding of the book to be able to trace each great subject of prophecy from the first reference to the terminal. There are at least 10 great subjects of prophecy which find their consummation here.

About This Service

1. The PERSON of Jesus Christ— Christ in Glory, chapter 1
2. The POSSESSION of Jesus Christ— The Church in the World, chapters 2, 3 3. The PROGRAM of Jesus Christ— The Scene in Heaven, chapters 4-22 A. The Church in Heaven with Christ, chapters 4-5
4. The Great Tribulation in the World, chapters 6-18
5. Looking to the End of the Great Tribulation, chapter 14
6. Pouring Out of the Seven Mixing Bowls of Wrath, chapters 15, 16
7. The Two Babylons Judged, chapters 17, 18
8. Millennium, chapter 20
9. Entrance Into Eternity; Eternity Unveiled, chapters 21, 22




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